daily program
Welcome and Opening Blessing with Chief Twodog and Dr. Shelley Ostroff
January 1
9am EST/
14:00 UTC
Chief Twodog of the United Western Lenape nation and Dr. Shelley Ostroff, initiator and host of 7 Days of Rest welcome in the Storyteller's and offering an opening blessing as we come together in service to the healing the Waters through story, wisdom and inspiration.
Hosted by Jim Graywolf Petruzzi
The Giant Redwoods – Water Beings
January 4
12am EST/
17:00 UTC
"Jim will speak about the physical nature of these glorious trees and then share a journey he took among them. Jim Graywolf Petruzzi is a human being doing the best he can to bring a healthier
world to our grandchildren to the seven generations forward and beyond."
Offered by Jim Graywolf Petruzzi
The Power of StoryTelling
January 1
12pm EST/
17:00 UTC
"A discussion of storytelling and its uses by two long time storytellers. Jim and Maya have both been trained in storytelling and have been storytellers for years. Our audiences have ranged from pre-school to seniors. Storytelling should be fun and the how and why of this will be part of their discussion."
Offered by Maya Shaw Gale & Jim Graywolf Petruzzi
Beginnings in Water
January 1
1pm EST/
18:00 UTC
"Water is essential to humans right from the start.
Hear about beginnings in the womb as well as
stories about water births and the impact of
that method on the children born this way."
With Tanja Woitasczyk, Maya Shaw Gale, Verónica Larraya & Nina Bella
Elements and Physical Healing
January 2
12pm EST/
17:00 UTC
"Water is a key ingredient in our physical healing. Listen to different health care providers share the importance of water in physical healing and be inspired by individuals’ personal stories."
With Dr. Thea Rabb, Liat Cohen,
Mary Beth Armstrong, Natalie Medeiros, James Kealiipiilani Kawainui and Tanja Woitasczyk"
A White Otter Academy Intergenerational Wisdom Circle
January 3
7pm EST/
00:00 UTC
"We have been offering various wisdom circles for 2 years now. The inter-generational ones have been most uplifting and informative. We are offering two at this event focusing on water and healing."
With Maya Shaw Gale & Jim Graywolf Petruzzi
"First Man" story as told by LaDonna Brave Bull Allard
January 3
3pm EST/
20:00 UTC
Iktomi, the trickster spider A creation tale told by LaDonna. Was the spider the trickster or a guide? A tale very relevant today. This video will be shared on a live zoom call and will be followed by a Talking Circle.
Hosted by Jim Graywolf Petruzzi
Water Management in Communities
January 3
12pm EST/
17:00 UTC
"Ecovillages around the world use different
systems to manage their water supply.
Find out more about individual approaches from this panel."
With Verónica Larraya, Maya Shaw Gale,
Tanja Woitasczyk, John LaSala, Alyson Ewald, Ditlev Nissen, Kimberly Taylor
A White Otter Academy Intergenerational Wisdom Circle
January 4
7pm EST/
00:00 UTC
"We have been offering various wisdom circles for 2 years now. The inter-generational ones have been most uplifting and informative. We are offering two at this event focusing on water and healing."
Hosted by Maya Shaw Gale & Jim Graywolf Petruzzi
Nature, Our Master Wisdom Teacher with Debra Emmanuelle
January 4
2pm EST/
19:00 UTC
"Throughout my life, the most profound teachings I have ever received are those I have received in Nature. This story is about one of my profound teachings that came at a pivotal moment when the Ocean and the Seagulls collaborated (conspired!) to Gift me with a visual message that has changed my life in a beautifully and subtly powerful way. My prayer is that my sharing this story with you will do the same for you!"
With Jim Graywolf Petruzzi
Interfaith Sacred Waters
January 4
8pm EST/
1:00 UTC (5/1)
"Water is used in different religious traditions.
Finding commonalities in different faiths and spiritual backgrounds to unite over water."
With Khadijah Raheem, Chamundai Curran, Sue Blythe, Shannon Crossbear,
Kimberly Taylor, Maya Shaw Gale, Verónica Larraya, Jim Petruzzi Graywolf
and Tanja Woitasczyk
Storyteller's lodge
Lodge Hosts
Jim Graywolf Petruzzi
Maya Shaw Gale
Veronica Larraya
Tanja Woitasczyk
To promote and partner with the World Water Year, the White Otter Academy is acting as a steward of storytelling for the 7 Days of Rest & Radical Healing.
The intention is to provide stories from people around the globe that relate to water and healing - and their personal or community connection with the Earth.
We invite all people - indigenous or not; young or old; all religions or spiritual walks - to submit a story idea and be included on our presenter’s page.
It is our intention to add a fun, interactive, instructive stream of voices winding throughout the week.
For our part, we will present 2 live events each day and offer a large number of pre-recorded stories available at all times. We will also be scheduling an elders & youth storytelling circle during the week, a children’s storytelling hour, and a circle of diverse religious leaders sharing their water lore, art and water and more.
Stories can be submitted for consideration for live performance or recorded to be added to our virtual lodge. We are looking for 15-30 minute stories, with the storytellers available for questions at the end of live stories. If you wish to do a live storytelling, it would be helpful if you could also bring a small audience of friends with you!! Please contact us if you have a request outside of these guidelines.
Please join us to help make this element of the week come to life. Mni Wiconi!
story library
"First Man" story as told by LaDonna Brave Bull Allard
Iktomi, the trickster spider A creation tale told by LaDonna.Was the spider the trickster or a guide? A tale very relevant today. This video will be shared on a live zoom call on Sunday, January 3 at 3pm EST and will be followed by a Talking Circle.
Africa's Water Challenges with Heather Cumming
Tanja Woitasczyk interviews Heather Cumming on the challenges of securing any water in Africa. Heather has lived a long time in Africa, where she lives and works with communities that have no water.
When Water Lost Her Way written and read by Meg Humphrys
Meg shares a story about the cycles of Water through our world. She also has a very informative website with inspiring educational resources on Water and also a Water cycle meditation for children and adults at Circles publishing www.circlespublishing.com
Porcupine's Journey with Robin Youngblood
Robin shares an amazing story of her people from the North Country. Robin is Native American and has lived with people of many indigenous peoples and learned their stories. You can learn more about Robin's work here: https://shamanation.org/.
Somos Agua ~ A Story by Juliana Faber (Brazil)
A beautiful poetic performance interpretation by Contos Encantos of Juliana Faber's profound children's book (for adults) ~ Somos Agua ~ We Are Water. Click "CC" for English subtitles. You can find the book and more information here: www.somosagua.eco.br
How A Butterfly Changed the World with Amaya Tala
A story that explores the natural way to change the world. Amaya Tala (original name, Nina Magpili-Smith) is a community weaver facilitating spiritual evolution, and bringing out the beauty and strength in our nature within that are in rhythm and in harmony with Mother Earth.
A Personal Journey of Spirit
January 5
10am EST/
15:00 UTC
"Jim will share his personal water journey from wilderness areas to Standing Rock Protest in person and as a virtual media participant. His connection to the water, the people and his own spiritual being. He takes it beyond to Water is Life, the Climate Change emergency and now…the World Water Law. Mni Waconi - water
is life."
Standing Rock Forward with Jim Graywolf
A Water Journey Through Africa with Chief Daniel
January 5
12pm EST/
17:00 UTC
Chief Daniel, from Nigeria, is a tireless fighter for the rights of people and nature.
He has been to the U.N. presenting often and been honored for his work.
Jim Graywolf Petruzzi
Water Culture and Politics
January 5
2pm EST/
19:00 UTC
coming soon
with Verónica Larraya & Celio Turino
Water on Mother Earth
January 6
3pm EST/
20:00 UTC
coming soon
with Alberto Coyote Ruz and Verónica Larraya
Water Walk Stories in Jamaica
January 6
2pm EST/
19:00 UTC
The story of walking for impact .How a few unexpected individual s changed a law and the view society held of the. The spiritual leaders of the 12 tribes,the Nyabingi and the Bobo shanti joined forces with One Love One Step Walkers to clean up their ' little Island Nation'.
with Dee Kyne
Remembrance: Embracing the Divine Feminine with Angelique
January 6
3pm EST/
20:00 UTC
"Rewriting the story and reclaiming our Divine Feminine .
Bringing into practice a new knowledge and understanding of our Source Mother, Water "
Offered by Jim Graywolf Petruzzi
Water Wisdom with Hanne Strong
January 6
8pm EST/
01:00 UTC (7/1)
"Hanne Strong of Crestone, CO has long worked with nature and indigenous people. Her wisdom is deep and broad. Two younger women environmental supporters will be in discussion with her."
With Jim Graywolf, Verónica Larraya and Tanja Woitasczyk
Transition Prayer and Blessing with Chief Daniel
January 7
9am EST/
14:00 UTC
coming soon
Jim Graywolf Petruzzi
Water stories from India with Malini Rajendran
January 7
10am EST/
15:00 UTC
coming soon
Jim Graywolf Petruzzi
Walking the World Together
January 7
12pm EST/
17:00 UTC
"Chief Twodog and Jim Graywolf will share stories of their life walks. Activists in the 70’s to water protectors and spiritual leaders today. They will share what they see for the future.
Chief ad Jim co-hosted a Peaceful Warriors radio show for two years and now present in groups where their wisdom - and mistakes - will provide some guidance to today’s actors on life’s stage."
with Chief Twodog and Jim Graywolf
Stories of the Ocean
January 7
2pm EST/
19:00 UTC
"Rodrigo Garcia is a Marine Biologist, Cetaceous protector and today head of Environmental Department in Rocha - Uruguay."
with Rodrigo Garcia
Messages from Water - Emoto Project with Michiko Hayashi
January 7
7pm EST/
00:00 UTC (8/1)
coming soon
Verónica Larraya & Maya Shaw Gale
Closing Prayer
January 8
8:30pm EST/
01:30 UTC (8/1)
coming soon
with Maya Shaw Gale, Verónica Larraya, Jim Graywolf and Tanja Woitasczyk
“Walk with me to work with me” said Nature
January 7
1pm EST/
18:00 UTC
An invitation to walk the shore of a designated marine sanctuary, to give space for teachers to show up and trust their teachings to speak through story.
with EarthHeart Returning
storytellers and water stewards
Jim Graywolf Petruzzi is a long-time activist and spiritual road walker. He has had a strong connection to the Earth and nature his entire 71 years - especially water.
Most recently he has served as virtual media creator of Standing Rock, Water is Life Movement and Climate Change. Storytelling is a big part of his life.
He is called a storyteller and he teaches the
craft to others.
Verónica is mother of Fauna and Lorenz, passionate of the essence of being a human and reconnecting with our belonging to nature.
Being a mother has been a great portal to return to her essence and connect with herself, and being empowered from that place.
She perceives existence and interconnection with other living beings and mother earth as magical and a gift to enjoy.
Maya Shaw Gale, MA, is an evolutionary life coach, energy healer, certified Hakomi practitioner & trainer, poet, and Water priestess who is also on the Core Council of Loving Waters and vice-president of the Board of Directors for the Tribal Trust Foundation.
Tanja Woitasczyk is passionate about Water protection, regenerative practices and working towards resolving justice issues. Her belief is that these are all connected and that we can create healthy living environments that support spiritually fulfilling and healthy lifestyles where all participants are equal.
With deep gratitude
to the White Otter Academy for this extraordinary gathering of Water Wisdom Stories and Blessings from around the world.