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how to participate



All participants can freely join and access the offerings by browsing the drop down menu under "OFFERINGS" in the main menu at the top of the page as well as the colorful menu of days at the top of the page under the banner. All offerings/events ~ pre-recorded and live (that have been recorded) are added to the page of the day. Besides attending a live event the page of the day is your main go to/ Live events that aren't up on the day either haven't been shared yet or will not be shared publicly.


Each day has a "CALENDAR" with live events that you can join by clicking on the event and finding the zoom link.


Below the calendar is the "GALLERY" that provides an overview of all of offerings, including in-person events, pre-recorded videos, etc. All pre-recorded videos are added to the website on the corresponding day.





All participants are also invited to explore GATEWAYS. These are offered as inspiration for delving deeper into the theme of the event. The gateways provide a variety of content including articles, videos, photos, posters and inspiration that you are free to access throughout the event and beyond. Some GATEWAYS recur each year (eg. Deep Nourishment), 


creating your unique experience

During the event this website serves as your evolving and dynamic guidebook, event calendar, and resource library for creating your own unique experience for the 7 Days.


The event provides all participants and co-creators access to a wealth of offerings from around the world. This experiential field of diverse offerings contributes to personal growth, as well as our evolution as compassionate and competent stewards of Life.  


Not all offerings will speak to all participants. Every year provides a rich variety of offerings to choose from. Some participants will enjoy diverse daily offerings on the website while others will choose to honor the field of intention in silent retreat or by immersing themselves in nature. This diversity of experience is an integral part of the design that enables people from many different cultures and perspectives to unify in sacred alignment for the healing and replenishment of the planet and all its inhabitants.


You are invited to choose that which feels vitalizing and accurate for you. And, if you cannot find among the offerings something that is aligned with your specific needs and ways of participating, we invite you to create and lead an offering which opens your unique window to enrich the good of the whole.


amplifying the global field of intention

To enable more people to access the event offerings – and to amplify the field of sacred intention – all participants and co-creators are invited to share the invitation with your networks. You can share the video  (above), and the poster (below) with the event description (below), in newsletters and on diverse social media platforms.

 7 Days 2023 POSTER.jpeg

(and, of course, add whatever inspires you!)


7 Days of Rest, January 1–7, is an annual, open co-creative event dedicated to the healing and replenishment of the planet and all its inhabitants. All are invited to enjoy the rich array of offerings, including wisdom teachings, meditations, music, inspirations and more, that are generously offered by the global community.

The theme for the event is 7 Days of Rest & Return to Essence. Together we will seed the intention and experience of relearning the language of essence and bringing our energy and resources to that which is most nourishing and vitalizing to all of Life.

To learn more and join this FREE event, please visit:


join the new online community

All event announcements and recordings will be shared on this website.


PLEASE NOTE: This year we will no longer use Facebook and the 7 Days of Rest page. Of course, you can still create, host and announce your own events for the 7 Days of Rest on Facebook in your communities.


Instead of Facebook, we are initiating a 7 Days of Rest Circle on the Eco-Governance Community where participants can share their experiences, insights and inspirations and engage with other participants. The Eco-Governance Community brings together diverse initiatives for personal, collective and planetary healing, such as Codes for a Healthy Earth, Global Alliance for a World Water Law and Eco-Governance, in a private and dedicated space that is vibrationally aligned with the spirit of 7 Days of Rest. You are warmly invited to join the community and the circle and to announce your 7 Days of Rest events there as well. 

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Healing Women ~ Healing Water

towards 7 days of rest & radical healing

The theme for 2021 will be 7 Days of Rest & Radical Healing. Over the course of 2020 we will be preparing the ground for next year’s event. The first initiative in support of this intention was a global healing ceremony: Healing Women ~ Healing Water that took place on February 5 & 6, 2020, supported by Global Silent Minute and in partnership with the UNITY EARTH Holy Land Living Water pilgrimage. 


In light of the deep resonance and support from the global community, Healing Women ~ Healing Water will continue throughout the year. Synchronistically, March 2020 brings two perfect opportunities for building this field of intention with International Women’s Day on the 8th and World Water Day on the 22nd. 


healing women

healing water

World Water Day
March 22, 2020

Individuals and groups around the world are invited to participate in this online event, as well as to initiate and/or join ceremonies and activities on this day dedicated to Healing Women ~ Healing Water.

This month we focus on bridging the spiritual with the practical as we hone our collective intention and action towards co-creating the cultural and environmental conditions for all Women and all Waters to thrive ~ for we know that when Women and Water thrive, all parts of the whole planetary biosphere will thrive.


In this light, Healing Women ~ Healing Water invites participants to join hands, heads, and hearts around a global initiative called Codes for a Healthy Earth. The Codes are guided by Feminine Wisdom and work uncompromisingly to support the healing of Women, Girls, Waters, and all of Life.

On World Water Day, Healing Women ~ Healing Water and Global Silent Minute are hosting a global ceremony and synchronized meditation for the healing of all Waters as a collective organizing principle for the rapid and radical healing of all Life. 


This online ceremony will be live-streamed on the 7 Days of Rest Facebook page


Please share this invitation with your networks and all who may wish to participate.

Suggested Guidelines for the online ceremony:


For the Healing Women ~ Healing Water online ceremony you are invited to bring a bowl or glass of Water and a ceremonial object that represents the Sacred Feminine. The ceremony will imbue both the Water and the ceremonial object with its blessing and vibration. Bring Water from the sea, a lake, a river, a spring, or even Water from your tap.


Following the ceremony, we suggest offering the blessed Water to the source from where it came, or to plants, animals, or Mother Earth.


You are invited to keep the ceremonial object in a sacred place (such as an altar) to anchor the intention knowing that this theme of Healing Women ~ Healing Water will continue throughout 2020 as we move towards 7 Days of Rest & Radical Healing, January 1 - 7, 2021.


Healing Women ~ Healing Water Facebook Community Space welcomes you to inspire and be inspired by others and to share your own blessings, impressions and reflections for and from this event.

water blessings

World Water Day, Healing Women ~ Healing Water, Global Healing Ceremony

Healing Women ~ Healing Water, A Global Healing Ceremony - 5 & 6 February

By Reiko Nakanishi, Global Silent Minute

By Svetlana Orlova, Global Silent Minute

By Efrat Sar-Shalom, Women of Peace

By Joan Bowler, UNITY EARTH

By Devi Mohan, Mohanji Foundation

By Antoinette Rootsdawtah, UNITY EARTH

By Rev. Sylvia Sumter, Stand up for Humanity


By Priya Assal,

By Dee Kyne, Earth Rights Walker

By Cisca de Koning, Watercermonie

By Beatrix Torresz, Illaryap & Sybil Griffiths

By Beatrix Torresz, Sebatián & Illaryap


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