7 Days of Rest, January 1–7, is a free, co-creative annual global event dedicated to the healing and replenishment of the planet and all its inhabitants. All are invited to participate in co-creating a global healing field and enjoy the rich array of offerings, including wisdom teachings, ceremonies, meditations, music, inspirations and more, that are generously offered by the global community.

During the 7 Days of Rest, from January 1 to January 7, individuals and communities around the world co-created a unified field of intention and action for the healing of Mother Earth and all Her Children.
For 7 Days we joined forces across the world to:
​~ connect in stillness, compassion and dedicated action
~ remove stress, noise and toxins
~ commit together to planetary healing
~ set the intention and foundations for co-creating a thriving world for all

Silent time - alone and together, reconnecting to the sounds of stillness that enable us to re-calibrate with the wisdom of our bodies and nature.
Minimize all work, consumerism, media and social media activity – (if possible, a full consumerism, television and social media fast). This ideally means connecting to the virtual world only for the purposes of joining focused global meditations or programs relating to human and planetary rest, healing and replenishment.
Clearing the body from toxins and eating only plant based food – as fresh and organic as possible. Different dietary suggestions will be offered on the website for optimal detox and nourishment.
Breath, yoga, sound and movement practices that support the body's rest, healing and replenishment.
Meditation, prayer, intention setting and practices that cultivate deep listening, present moment awareness, intuition and spontaneous visions.
Practicing gentle loving communication with one’s self and those in one’s environment.
Rituals dedicated to the healing, nurturing and replenishment of oneself, the planet and the entire Web of Life.
Communing with and honouring nature, animals, the plants and the elements.
Journaling insights, dreams and intentions.
Connecting consciously to the 7 Day global prayer and meditation field either online or offline.
Practicing living in gentle, simple community and extending one’s field of compassion to all beings.
Envisioning a healed world.
Gratitude for all that is healthy and nourishing in one’s own life and in the world.

There are many different ways to honor 7 Days of Rest - and contribute to the global field of healing and replenishment of the planet and all its inhabitants. We are in the process of building pages with our partners that offer inspiration and resources for these different gateways into the 7 Days. The following are some of the gateways that are emerging.

We are deeply grateful to those planetary stewards who have contributed so lovingly and generously to the 7 Days of Rest Global Event. Each of these stewards brings a powerful devotion to humanity and to Mother Earth, and their unique contribution anchors and amplifies the energy of the 7 Days of Rest.

Shelley Ostroff PhD,
Founder and co-host of the 7 Days of Rest

Yan Golding, Co-host of the 7 Days of Rest


Inspiration from the
growing community
"We need moments of quiet to support the world through a time when we seem to be losing our collective heads."
"Inspired and beautiful vision! Can't wait to participate....."
"Unifying, inspiring and much needed....looking forward to join together with other to come together and move forward together"
I so very much am aligned with this project/event!
Silence has always been where my deepest Wisdom has come from. Such a deeper need on our planet to slow down, keep it simple, focus on one or two things, mindfulness and REST.
Rejuvenated Souls are needed to co-create and build a New Earth. Rest, forgiveness, heart connection then we are ready to Collaborate and design and move through to the New Portal. Universe is waiting for us to understand it's Silence first to set the foundation.
This is such an important initiative! The world is moving so fast that is it far to easy to get swept up with it. It is for this reason 7 days of Rest offers us a gift.. the opportunity to formally unplug from our default patterns so we can reassess how we want to live our life. If we use this time to pause and settle within ourselves we can get in touch with what we are really feeling, and discover what is important to us. To question and reevaluate what our purpose is here on this earth? Are we aligning the way we live our life with our core values and beliefs? If we can nurture ourselves both on the inside and outside by listening to our heart we'll be able to make the necessary changes needed to improve the quality of our life, the lives we interact with and the world.
I do believe that rushing is violence... when we rush too much we do violence to our bodies and mind and spirit. I see that this creates disease in our bodies/minds. Let's come together and go slow in the sacred time. IN this deep and profound energy we will find the peace that is needed to create lasting change on this planet.
We are finding out that faster, bigger, more isn't always better, if fact it damages the planet, and we steam on, because "that's how it works"...not! So good a global initiative helps us all to reconnect, rethink and become real.
Taking time at the start of the new year to rest calls to every part of my being, personally - knowing it also can have such a restorative effect , collectively, on all of Life and Mother Earth, how can we say anything but YES?
An absolutely inspiring and beautiful vision! An initiative so timely and so sorely needed. Thank you!
Inspired by this initiative. It facilitates a collective coherent field of Unity in our World which will be most powerful and by adding Sound Harmonics daily , your own mantra sound or an offered collective mantra /song it has the potential to unite the worlds within ourselves , within this galaxy and merge in a accelerated symbiotic dance with the energy and frequency of Mother Earth.
This Collective Harmonic resonance wave will create a field of Love that is so powerful that anything that is in dissonance within/without will be dissolved and the restoration of Balance , Harmony and Peace will be returned .
Exited with the transformational potential !
Like our in-breath and out-breath, REST is our natural state of Being. This is our great reminder to come back into balance with giving AND receiving. Imagine CONSCIOUSLY breathing and resting in the ease of our own Essence for 7 full days. Now imagine the whole world doing that! Ahhhh....
The mind is the most powerful and magnificent tool to Heal the planet and all its inhabitants.It is sorely needed vision to inspire all and my deepest gratitude to you and Rathane Thero for this groundbreaking work.
inspiring and healing event for our world and hearts.
Time of visualizing goals for the coming year. Cultivate Patience, Tolerance,become more charitable.
So many ways to be in the stillness, to allow it to flow into and through you to strengthen the balance in ALL, and to develop, give, and receive Unconditional Love
Collectively tapping into this purity of vision is the replenishment and inspiration we so desperately need to reconnect with our creative deepest selves, our beloved animals and all of nature.
Excellent initiative!! Our culture is so out of balance in the direction of work, producing, achieving...doing,doing,doing and so in need of stillness and rest..time for pure beingness. Years ago I was in Bali during their New Year which is honored by a day of total silence, meditation, fasting, no machines or computers are used..no businesses open, no fires burning...Total stillness. It was divine!!! And I have always carried this wish for us in the Western world to adopt a practice like this...Many Blessings for the initiators of this movement!!
Such an incredible vision and event for a new story and future for earth and humanity. So honored to know about this and am grateful for the success and growth of this inspiring and growing event. Thanks and love
To me, giving 7 days to gather our energies and consciousness within, and communing with Great Spirit, together, is even more powerful than sending thought forms out into the world. In Silence is where WE are. Sharing infinite Blessings of Gratitude with US ALL.
So many ways to be in the stillness, to allow it to flow into and through you to strengthen the balance in ALL, and to develop, give, and receive Unconditional Love