Rest in Loving Communication
And now the sounds and forms and colors dance
In breathful splendor
Taking us with them
Through the seasons of surprise and surrender
The lean and sumptuous beauties
With their infinite turnings and returnings,
Move through us and beyond us,
Rippling out waves of wonder
Heartful messages
That speak a universal tongue
Received and shared
Even with those who may seem far
Yet shine back love like stars
Who know our common dusty past
And love all that we are.
​~ From the first 7 Days of Rest 2018

Reflections & Practices: Invitation to commune with the Essence of Truth and the Truth of Essence
Offered by Shelley Ostroff
These daily reflections and practices invite you to commune with the essence and vibrations of the theme of the day. As you engage with these essences you are invited to deepen the dialogue with the essence through spontaneous journalling, visual art, sound and movement inspired by the communion. The creative journey with these essences over the week offers a profound portal into the mystery and medicine of "Return to Essence".

daily offerings

Wisdom and Prayers from The Mother Earth Delegation of United Original Nations
truth with Grandmother Loretta and Tom Cook

all our kin
Image from Water in response to the word "truth" ~ offered by Crystallographer, Veda Austin

Veda is a water researcher, public speaker, mother, artist and author. She has dedicated the last 8 years observing and photographing the life of water. She believes that water is fluid intelligence, observing itself through every living organism on the planet and in the Universe. It is through her remarkable crystallographic photos that water reveals its awareness of not only Creation, but thought and intention through imagery.
You are invited to commune with these messages from Water and sense into what Water is communicating about these themes. You are invited to share your insights around this message from Water on the community platform. You can learn more about the ground-breaking work of Veda on her website: www.vedaaustin.com

the listening field with danielea castell ~ embody essence with the nature elders

the essence of stillness with hope fitzgerald

walk with Wolves, kim kapes and the wolves at the in harmony with nature sanctuary

way to faerie

northern lights revelations with marieke anna

crystal connections with the magicians guild community

truth with the
freedom farm sanctuary

offerings from the grandmothers and the net of light with sharon mcerlane

meditation & immersive experiential journeys

The Weave Embodied Teachings with miramichelle

Igniting the Divine Mastery Presence of 2023
with Sri & Kira

Living into Life with Cari Taylor

truth with corina white feather

Global Coherence Pulse - 7 Days of Rest & Return to Essence

Daily Reflections on the divine mastery presence of 2023 with sri & kira

Being Essence with Stela Murizzi

Poetry & Silence with Transformation 365 with sister mary friedland

Mini Meditative Musings with Linda Rosenthal

wellness and embodied practices


guided rest for the whole family with mira binzen

The Essence of Nourishment with Tami Hay

breathwork with Nozi Sikhonde

for daily reflection
Reflections & Practices: Offered by Shelley Ostroff
These daily reflections and practices invite you to commune with the essence and vibrations of the theme of the day. As you engage with these essences you are invited to deepen the dialogue with the essence through spontaneous journalling, visual art, sound and movement inspired by the communion. The creative journey with these essences over the week offers a profound portal into the mystery and medicine of "Return to Essence".
truth : An invitation to commune in a quiet space with the Essence of Truth and the Truth of Essence.
Invite into your field the essence of truth to be present with you. What comes alive in you as you commune with the essence of truth?
What does it mean to you to embody the truth of your essence? As you reflect on the different areas of your life ~ your work, your relationship, your habits, your speech, your behavior - what do you notice about where you experience yourself more or less living in congruence with the truth of who you are?
Sense into truth as the vibrational language of Nature - a language where all of the information flow and exchange is true to the purpose of Life and supports the integrity of the part and the whole. What can we learn from Nature as we return to essence and align our practice of truth with the integrity of our true nature?
How do you experience the mental, emotional, physical, spiritual and energetic dimensions of truth?
Reflect on the quality of in-formation that informs your body and soul - the food that you eat, the ideas you take in. In what ways does the in-formation that you consume and the in-formation that flows through you back to the world support or undermine the integrity of the wellbeing of your own body and and the wellbeing of all of Life.
Sense into the integrity of wild animals and young children whose whole-bodied expressions are in congruence with their inner world. Open yourself to this remembrance of whole-bodied congruence and integrity that is our inner encoding. What comes alive in you as you meditate with this remembrance?
Sense into the vibrational quality of truth that lies beyond words ~ the energetic frequency of truth that resonates with the core of your being - with your full embodied knowing. What are the embodied signals that support you in recognizing truth. What are the senses that become active as you discern for yourself what feels true to you? How can attending to this embodied intelligence support your journey to living more fully in your truth.
Reflect on the relationship between truth, authenticity, courage, honesty, love and self-awareness. How do these play out in your life?
Sense into the connection of truth and essence and how the language of truth is a language that holds the frequency of essence - clear of habitual perceptions, projections and judgments. How do you feel and experience the connection between truth and essence? In what ways is the journey of return to essence a journey of return to truth, and what does that journey look like in your own life right now?
Imagine human society where the frequency of truth presides. What would it look like? How would it change our social system - media, education, governance, economics, health, culture and so much more?
How is the return to the essence of truth a fundamental medicine of our time and how can you be a part of this medicine?