Rest in Loving Contact
And in the rootedness in essence
And in the sensing and the movement
And the listening,
A love is birthed - birthed from the revelations,
And the harmonies
That whisper through the newly opened portals
Of tender attention . . .
A love that births itself again and again
In celebration of a new found friend,
A smile, a tree, a bee, a cloud
A wink of spirit shining through
Inspiring us with tender touch
To softly step on sacred ground, and offer forth
That love to share and birth
And birth and share again.
~ From the first 7 Days of Rest 2018
Reflections & Practices: Invitation to commune with the Essence of Gratitude and the Gratitude for Essence
Offered by Shelley Ostroff
These daily reflections and practices invite you to commune with the essence and vibrations of the theme of the day. As you engage with these essences you are invited to deepen the dialogue with the essence through spontaneous journalling, visual art, sound and movement inspired by the communion. The creative journey with these essences over the week offers a profound portal into the mystery and medicine of "Return to Essence".
daily offerings
Wisdom and Prayers from The Mother Earth Delegation of United Original Nations
gratitude with grandmother flordemayo, turtle island
all our kin
Image from Water in response to the word "gratitude" ~ offered by Crystallographer, Veda Austin
Veda is a water researcher, public speaker, mother, artist and author. She has dedicated the last 8 years observing and photographing the life of water. She believes that water is fluid intelligence, observing itself through every living organism on the planet and in the Universe. It is through her remarkable crystallographic photos that water reveals its awareness of not only Creation, but thought and intention through imagery.
You are invited to commune with these messages from Water and sense into what Water is communicating about these themes. You are invited to share your insights around this message from Water on the community platform. You can learn more about the ground-breaking work of Veda on her website: www.vedaaustin.com
the listening field with danielea castell ~ embody essence with the nature elders
walk with Wolves, kim kapes and the wolves at the in harmony with nature sanctuary
gratitude: for the essence of our co-existence with dr. jenna darko
elephant hour with annette haddaway and anita valala
Net of Light Meditation
the essence of stillness with hope fitzgerald
way to faerie
northern lights revelations with marieke anna
gratitude with the
freedom farm sanctuary
watercall with corina white feather
meditation & immersive experiential journeys
The Weave Embodied Teachings with miramichelle
Igniting the Divine Mastery Presence of 2023
with Sri & Kira
Living into Life with Cari Taylor
Mini Meditative Musings with Linda Rosenthal
Global Coherence Pulse - 7 Days of Rest & Return to Essence
Poetry & Silence with Transformation 365 with kate sheehan roach
fractal tree sound art peace with dancy
wellness and embodied practices
The Essence of Nourishment with Tami Hay
guided rest for the whole family with mira binzen
for daily reflection
Reflections & Practices: Offered by Shelley Ostroff
These daily reflections and practices invite you to commune with the essence and vibrations of the theme of the day. As you engage with these essences you are invited to deepen the dialogue with the essence through spontaneous journalling, visual art, sound and movement inspired by the communion. The creative journey with these essences over the week offers a profound portal into the mystery and medicine of "Return to Essence".
gratitude : An invitation to commune in a quiet space with the Essence of Gratitude and the Gratitude for Essence.
Invite into your field the essence of gratitude and notice the feelings, images and sensations that arise as you sit in the presence of gratitude. Connecting to your heart, reflect on what you feel grateful for in your life at this time? Allow images and words to arise as you deepen and expand your experience of gratitude. What arises in you as you give yourself to the fullness of the experience of gratitude?
Sense into the different ways in which gratitude enriches your life and all Life. Allow yourself to offer gratitude to the essence of gratitude - perhaps through silent or spoken words of appreciation or even a spontaneous dance or song celebrating gratitude. How does gratitude feel, speak, sing and dance through you? How can you celebrate the many gifts gratitude gives to the world?
Bring into your awareness something that you feel grateful to yourself for - a quality, a behavior, an accomplishment that you appreciate. What does it feel like to acknowledge yourself with gratitude?
Sense into the creative power of consciously celebrating something or someone - of offering a loving mirror for the essence of another being. Sense into the generosity of seeing another in their beauty and reflecting it back to them.
How do you experience the relationship of generosity and gratitude ~ and how does this relationship manifest in your life? How does expressing and receiving gratitude cultivate loving sacred relationship?
What are your inner perspectives and attitudes that nourishes your experience of gratitude? Notice patterns in your own thoughts and behavior that may hinder or support your experience of gratitude in your life. How do you tend to receive gratitude from others? Notice patterns in your thoughts and behavior that may hinder you or and those that support you in heartfully receiving gratitude expressed towards you? How would you like to honor and cultivate the experience of gratitude in your life, and in what ways this would transform your life.
What are practices that can nourish your capacity to see through the eyes of appreciation, gratitude and wonder? Discover and create practices where you focus your attention and connect heartfully, essence to essence with richness and beauty of the world around you.
Reflect on the mental, emotional physical, spiritual and energetic experiences and expressions of gratitude. How can this reflection inspire us as we consciously bring more gratitude into our lives personally and collectively?
One by one, offer your loving attention to the foundations of Life, Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Climate, Biodiversity and the Web of Life. Bring into your awareness the diverse gifts each of these give you. Discover ways of expressing your gratitude to each of these as you discern and acknowledge their unique, diverse, essential gifts of Life. Offer this practice to yourself and to the human and other-than-human kin in your life. What comes alive in you in this practice? How can this practice contribute to personal and planetary healing?
Imagine a culture that is rooted in generosity and gratitude? What does it look like? What does it feel like? How do we consciously cultivate a culture energized by the creative force of generosity and gratitude? How can the practice of gratitude and generosity realign humanity with the mutually nourishing primary codes of Life?
How is gratitude a powerful guide and medicine in our journey of Return to Essence?