Day 7: 7.1.2018
Rest in Loving Grace
And She and He are blessed with Grace
And bless with grace the wholeness.
They came from there
To leave their roots,
Forget their source
and then return
with Grace.
The time has come of this return,
Compassion found - a healing ground,
For-giving Life’s embrace
Where all have space
To live and love and learn,
The path of generosity
And gratitude
And Grace.
treesister's journey of awakening:
meditation day 7: belong
Artist, Debra Bernier
DAY 7: belong
Do you long to feel so connected, grounded, centered and anchored in yourself that you become your own living transmission of life force aligned with all that is, belonging to Earth, and embodying your natural state as nature aware of itself?
This meditation guides us to seek our return to wholeness, belonging to Mother Gaia, each other and ourselves, embodying the restorer consciousness as the compass for a future where all life thrives.
Friday 6.12.2018 12:00 WET
Featured Presenter: Safaya Salter
Safaya is a professional animal communicator and also works as an energy psychologist for humans. She works closely with Wynter in the Animaltalk Africa On-line Academy, helping students to overcome blockages and guiding
them in acheiving their ...See more...
You can access the webinar here
REIKI - Healing blessing for the day
Gifted by Linda Rosenthal
Guided Meditation: Day 7 Rest in Loving Grace
Offered by Shelley Ostroff
Reflections and practices will be offered each day. Journalling the thoughts, images, dreams, emotions, sensations and experiences that arise throughout the entire week can deepen your journey and the process of healing and transformation.
Offered by Shelley Ostroff
DAY SEVEN: Rest in Loving Grace – Reflections and practices - an invitation
1. Graceful song: Find a comfortable position and allow a song to come to you – allow yourself to sing it. What do you notice about the words and melody of the song? Play with the idea that the song that came spontaneously has an accurate message for you now? What is the message?
2. Review in wonder: In a comfortable position, allow your imagination to scan the experiences of the last 7 days, allowing them to reveal themselves to you like a movie on an inner screen. Allow yourself time with this, refreshing the experiences and allowing yourself to glean the insights. Write down notes for yourself of things you will want to remember.
3. Sacred relationship: Spend a few minutes sensing into the feminine aspect of yourself. Give her a voice, a movement, a gesture. How do you feel within you as you call upon the feminine to be present? What are the inner sensations? What happens to your facial expression and how you move, and how you speak? Now spend a few minutes sensing into the masculine aspect of yourself and follow the same guidelines. What have you noticed about the similarities and differences between the two? Bless the feminine and masculine aspects of yourself and invite them into a journey of evolution through which they learn how to dance together in sacred relationship? Imagine into what a more mature version of your feminine and masculine aspects would look like? What would it look like if they were to engage together in a mutually nourishing, complementary and honoring way. Agree to learn how to evolve this path for yourself as you continue to grow into all who you are.
5. Gratitude: Offer gratitude to yourself for allowing yourself the journey, and for being willing to be open to new adventures beneficial to yourself and to Mother Earth. Offer gratitude to the process and to the different teachers and friends you have encountered through the week in their different forms.
6. Service: Sense into all that has gone on behind the scenes in order to make this event happen, and into all the events and people from across the world joining to create a coherent field of intention and peaceful action for a thriving world for all.
7. Generosity: Consider how you would like to express your own generosity in the context of the event, what would you like to gift from yourself to support the 7 Days of Rest vision moving forward. How would you like to amplify what has been created?
8. Applied wisdom: What are some of the key insights and learnings you have received this week? How would you like to amplify them through practical action? What are some of your intentions for growth and transformation this year? What will you do for yourself? What will you do differently in relation to your family? What will you do differently in relation to the communities in which you live and work? What will you do differently in relation to those who you do not know? What will you do differently in relation to the animals, to the trees, to the water, to the planet?
9. Drawing wisdom: Do a drawing that represents where you are now and where you would like to be in a year from now? What do you notice in both?
10. Blessing of grace: Offer a prayer or blessing for yourself and the world. You may want to create a little ritual space for this – with objects that are significant for you – a candle, water, flowers, crystals, photographs etc.
Share your experience of kindness, service and compassionate action during the 7 Days of Rest, and become part of making compassion a game for all to enjoy everywhere!
7 days of rest - Sacred ritual space
#GOODoftheWHOLE In partnership with the 7 DAYS OF REST Global Event will offer a 1 hour resonance call each morning for those who wish to attune in resonance and experience the joy of coherence with the Unified Field. As Planetary Stewards committed to the GOOD of the WHOLE, we are listening, speaking from our hearts and intentionally expanding the resonant Field of Love through the Global Heart Resonance call. We gather at the “Watering Whole,” and find ourselves nurtured, revitalized and uplifted, as a collective consciousness.
Jan 7 Loving Waters Ceremony: Rising Tides of Love Gather as we expand the field of the heart... join us for an hour of Water songs of love, replenishment and joy Bring your Sacred Water, Poems and Songs Presented by Jim Graywolf Petruzzi Loving Waters Council, Earth Guardian, Author, Ceremonialist
7 days of rest - sri lanka national program
January 7th
Conscious Entertainment Day
We shall celebrate the final day with music, poetry, art and film which promotes a healthy future for all. All civic organisations around the country are invited to organise open events to inspire each other about how a different world is possible. We are inviting musicians, poets and artist around the country to create songs, poems, art and short films (5 mins) specifically for this event to be submitted before December 25th, 2017. A selected number of those who submit will be invited to share their work at the closing event in Colombo. This day is dedicated to celebrating the emergence of a new global culture of peace, cooperation, wise governance and reverence for all life.
January 7th - 7 days of rest
local and online events offered by the community
Protecting Life on Earth - for a thriving future for all: ONLINE 7 PM - 8:30 PM UTC+01
Let's all stop and think: What does the world look like that we want to live in? What kind of world do we want for us and for generations to come? We need a clear picture here so we can actually work towards this vision. End Ecocide on Earth is offering this space as an event within the 7 Days of Rest. Join us online for a moment of reflection: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/450563989...
Global meditation with Sperry Andrews - Session 3 Sunday at Noon-1:30pm PT
Global meditation free, online - This is a chance to practice a life-changing experience, feeling quiet mind and causeless joy, liberated from the illusions of separation and limitation. This easily reproducible exercise shows how "The world can live as one."
New Year ~ Online Global Joy Meditation ~ 7:00-7:45 PM
Meditation intending Joy for the world
Animal Meditation and Communication Webinar with Kate Muller ONLINE, 2:00 WET
During these 7 days, 7 different interspecies communicators from around the globe, will be sharing meditations for the animals and nature, as well as profound messages received from the animals themselves for humanity.
Sacred Togetherness: Relationship Rest and Renewal 6:00 AM Massachusetts, USA
Glory in feel-good ideas and visions of relationship heavenly bliss for seven days. It's fresh and its fun and its healing, all designed for you. Seven days of spiritual goodness for individuals, couples, and poly households.
7 Days of Rest * Descanso No SerVivo retreat - Jan 1st 12:00 PM - Jan 7th 12:00 PM Lisbon, Portugal
We invite you to enter this rest through a healthy and more simple diet respecting the rhythm of each one, associating it with other proposals for reconnection – frequent meditations, contemplative and active,morning energising practises, walks in the surrounding nature, yoga, massages, sharing circles, moments of singing and dancing, moments of conscious silence.
Loving kindness meditation for all beings, Daily, 6:00 – 6:30 PM, Jerusalem, Israel
Meditation and prayer for the well-being of all beings each day in a different place in Jerusalem.
To join physically follow the updates in event.
For those who wish to tune-in from other places, hopefully there will be a "Facebook live" check-in.
מדיטציה ותפילה לשלומן של כל הבריות, בכל יום במקום אחר בירושלים.
להצטרפות במקום, אנא עקבו אחר העדכונים באירוע.
לאלו המעוניינים להתכוונן ממקומות אחרים, בתקווה יהיה צ'ק-אין באמצעות "פייסבוק לייב".
Online brodcast. Hebrew - שידור ישיר מישראל - מפגשים יומיים עם אנשים מיוחדים 12:00
בצהרייםלאירוע בפייסבוק - https://www.facebook.com/events/532702373761183/
לצפייה ישירה - https://www.facebook.com/yahadcreation
Meditative movement with Hazel , KUWAIT, Artspace Salmiya 7:00 PM- 8:00 PM
Citytree Retreat for the trees, ISRAEL< Tel Aviv, 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM
שבוע לימודים מלא בבית הספר לאקולוגיה עירונית, והפעם בהתמקדות על עצים
נכתוב יחד את "אמנת העצים הקדושים" על בסיס התבוננות, שירה, שיחה, ולמידה של העצים בעיר - שלל מורים מהקהילה משתלבים הפעם, לשבוע של לימוד וחיבור עם העצים: אמיר חרש יערוך סדנת כתיבה מהתבוננות, גל גולן תנחה אותנו לשירה על
עצים ועמם, ליאור בלנק ילמד על יסוד העץ ברפואה הסינית, דניאל מישורי ילמד על התנועה הסביבתית העולמית ואיך העצים הניעו אותה, עם אלון אלירן נלמד איך עץ עובד, ועם האגרונום, עודד יפה, נלמד איך עובדים עם עצים ואיך מגנים עליהם בעיר.
בין לבין נלמד עם תמי על התנהלות אקולוגית בבית שמצילה הרבה עצים ובעיקר עושה לנו טוב.
לפרטי האירוע - https://www.facebook.com/events/356540698090531/
Brahma Kumaris - Meditation and conversation, ISRAEL, Kiryat Ono, 07:00 - 8:15 PM
Various workshops that involve both conversation and practice on cultivating the mind for a more healthy and happy life
Brahma Kumaris - Meditation and conversation, ISRAEL, Petach Tikva, 07:00 - 08:15
Various workshops that involve both conversation and practice on cultivating the mind for a more healthy and happy life
Brahma Kumaris - Meditation and conversation, ISRAEL,Mazkeret Batia 07:00 - 8:15 PM
Various workshops that involve both conversation and practice on cultivating the mind for a more healthy and happy life
Brahma Kumaris - Meditation and conversation, ISRAEL, Beer Sheva, 07:00 - 8:15 PM
Various workshops that involve both conversation and practice on cultivating the mind for a more healthy and happy life
Brahma Kumaris - Meditation and conversation. ISRAEL, Beer Sheva,07:00 - 8:15 PM
Various workshops that involve both conversation and practice on cultivating the mind for a more healthy and happy life
Brahma Kumaris - Meditation and conversation, ISRAEL, Jerusalem, 6:30-7:30 PM
Various workshops that involve both conversation and practice on cultivating the mind for a more healthy and happy life