returning to essence with all our kin
The sacred practice of communing with Nature and with all of Creation is as old as the ages, and even while most of humanity have forgotten this capacity, many Indigenous tribes and wisdom keepers around the world have continued to nurture loving relationship with our other-than-human kin. The abilities to commune in reverence with Creation are now reawakening in human consciousness and we are delighted to honor some of the wayshowers here. As we return to the essence of who we are, we remember our most ancient ancestry and intricate interconnectedness with all our kin. Recognizing more and more of ourselves in the other and the other in ourselves, we cultivate our capacity to communicate across boundaries of species and consciousnesses.
The All Our Kin gateway celebrates our diverse other-than-human family and those who are stewarding sacred relationship with all beings. In this gateway, we honor the messages brought forth and the guidance offered to others who wish to deepen their awareness and to connect across species and consciousnesses. We are grateful to all the stewards over the years who have brought, into the 7 Days of Rest field, these diverse voices and opened our hearts and minds to deeper communion and connectedness with ourselves and all our relations.
"Shelley's Story" pieces, shared below by Shelley Ostroff, trace her evolving relationship with other-than-human consciousnesses and how they have informed the 7 Days of Rest, Eco-Governance and other global initiatives dedicated to the healing of the planet and all its inhabitants.
We are delighted to take this opportunity to honor with deep gratitude The Listening Field, stewarded by Danielea Castell, that offers a unique space for cultivating direct, sacred relationship with our Nature Elders. Over the last two years Danielea Castell has partnered with the 7 Days of Rest and with Eco-Governance, offering Listening Fields to bring the Nature Elders into the field as partners, guides and co-creators on the path of re-imagining how we organize as a species in harmonious co-existence with all of Life. It is an inspiring pioneering example of an Advisory Guardian Circle as outlined in the Eco-Governance framework; and it is been operating in this capacity since June 2020.
"Never forget that the story of the White Lions is connected with the stars." – Credo Mutwa, African Wisdom Keeper.
The White Lions are recognized by indigenous communities in South Africa as Starbeings, and their return to the Heartlands of South Africa in the Timbivati area, under the guardianship of Linda Tucker, is a story of profound evolutionary significance. The White Lions are restoring the environment and inspiring individuals around the world to fulfil their Life-serving purpose at this critical time in history.
Shelley's story: In 2012 I was called by Mandla, the White Lion patriarch of the Tsau pride to visit the White Lion Heartlands. The direct encounter and my ongoing experience of the extraordinary consciousness of the White Lions in the diverse ways in which they engage and communicate has inspired my work ever since. This includes informing the 7 Days of Rest event as well as Eco-Governance and other projects that I have been guided to initiate and co-create.
We are profoundly grateful to the White Lions and to Linda Tucker for her wise, courageous and loving guardianship of this cosmic majesty on Mother Earth. You can access the Linda Tucker's beautiful opening blessing for this event on Day 1 and learn more about her work at www.whitelions.org and www.lindatuckerfoundation.org
Shelley's Story: My encounter with the White Lions catalyzed a deeper personal connection with animals, a greater awareness of their plight at the hands of humans and a commitment to actively support their global protection and well-being. It also opened me to the world of animal communication. From the first year of this event, we dedicated a gateway to the animals and animal guardians and communicators who brought in messages from diverse animals to inspire a greater understanding of their unique gifts, communications and their vast and loving consciousness. We are immensely grateful for the many contributions of wonderful animal communicators and guardians over the years. Thank you!
This year, as in all previous years, we are blessed with the daily messages from the Wolves brought through by Kim Kapes from In Harmony with Nature Wolf Sanctuary,
The Elephants will be present through the field created by Annette Haddaway and Anita Vallala of Elephant Hour during Elephant Hour.
Susan Eirich will share stories of the Wild from the Earthfire Institute.
Adit Romano and Talia Levav will bring messages from the Animal family of the Freedom Farm Sanctuary in Israel.
Jenna Darko will offer daily wisdom from the Horses, as well as a powerful opening message on the Day 1
We include here with special gratitude, Wynter Worsthorne of Animal Talk Africa who has been a central part of this journey from the beginning, but unfortunately cannot join this year.
Shelley's Story: In 2012 I had a powerful encounter with Nokuphila, an ancient Tree in Cape Town, that inspired a profound awakening to the consciousness of Trees and their loving communication with humans. Ongoing communion with Nokuphila continues to inform my work. Ian and Dawn MacFarlane her local custodians held ceremony with Nokuphila blessing the First 7 Days of Rest in 2018. There are many extraordinary stories of how Nokuphila has called individuals from around the world to her (including Danielea Castell of the Listening Field) – reawakening an ancient bond and inspiring clarity as to their purpose and offering ongoing guidance and communion from a distance. The reawakening of humans to the primal Life-Giving role of Trees, and to their vast consciousness, is an essential part of our personal and planetary healing and evolution. The Trees, together with Water and the Vitality Code, are at the center of the Eco-Governance Mandala.
We give thanks to the many Tree Guardians who, over the years, have brought in the voice of the Trees – and in particular to Clare Dubois and the TreeSisters team who, over the last years offered beautiful messages and meditations inviting a deeper connection with our Tree Family. Every year, the Tel Aviv City Tree, an inspiring Ecological community holds annual retreats during the 7 Days of Rest.
This year, we are delighted the African Trees will be present through the voice of African indigenous knowledge systems practitioner Rutendo Ngara,
Shelley's Story: Since the inception of 7 Days of Rest, Water has been a central teacher and inspiration with many stewards offering blessings, ceremonies and wisdom offerings over the years. In 2020 I experienced Water communicating with me ever-more directly. Initially she called for a series of global healing meditations around the theme of "Healing Women ~ Healing Water". After the initial meditations, Water appeared to me in a powerful vision showing how humanity would heal through uniting for the healing of our planetary Waters. This vision led to the proposal for a World Water Law, presented during the first World Unity Week, and the Global Alliance for a World Water Law, presented during 7 Days of Rest & Radical Healing, where we honored Water and launched World Water Year 2021. Deep meditation with Water guided the themes of this event and the Gateways were dedicated to Water guardians and wisdom keepers, including The Water Protectors of Standing Rock, Masaru Emoto and Emily Conrad. Water continues to be a primary guide and teacher in all our work and is at the center of Eco-Governance together with Trees and the Vitality Code.
This year and in some of the previous years Kazumi-san, Water Shaman from Japan offers an opening Water Blessing Ceremony, and Veda Austin, crystallographer offers her unique daily messages from Water.
Shelley's Story: In my first encounter with the White Lions in 2012,they showed me how our human-centered governing systems are destroying Mother Earth. The depth of this realization inspired an ongoing journey towards the articulation of Eco-Governance, guided by the White Lions towards offering a new way of organizing ourselves as a species that is dedicated to protecting and cultivating the health of Earth and all her Inhabitants.
In 2017 Mother Earth appeared in a vision where I saw her calling for 7 Days of Rest. In the vision I saw people around the world holding sacred space, cultivating a global field of healing for Mother Earth and all her children. This vision was the catalyst for the 7 Days of Rest annual event which is now in its 6th spiral. Gaia is always with us, guiding our work on behalf of all of Life.
Humanity is reawakening to the experience of Mother Earth as a conscious living being who is in ongoing communication with those who open to her. One can imagine that the ways in which she speaks to all are as diverse as the diversity of her children. The messages she shares with humanity are consistently filled with immense love and wisdom. Through Stewards of the event this year, Gaia Mystic Mare Cromwell and cosmologist Jude Currivan we get a glimpse into the spectrum of ways in which Gaia communicates and invites us to learn more about Her and more about ourselves in the process.
During 7 Days of Rest & Sacred Renewal, 2022, Merlin, channeled by Hope Fitzgerald, presided over daily sessions where he convened diverse voices to share messages about the themes of the days. In Hope's words, "Merlin describes himself very simply as "a man of the woods." He is wise beyond words and does not suffer fools, yet he's capable of great warmth, humor and affection. He works with the many natural worlds with ease and seemingly has connections with all beings because he brings the appropriate one to the forefront when the time is right for them to speak. He watches over me wherever I go in the world and often unlocks whatever landscape we're in so we will experience what is relevant in that place. He feels like a grandfather to me and I trust him with my life."
In recent months Hope has been connecting with the Hathors. According to Hope, the Hathors self-describe as 5th dimensional beings who guided the golden age of Egypt. They are a conglomerate of beings, some with cool, exacting personalities, some who are more demonstrably loving, but all provide keen instruction and wisdom, requiring a step-up in dedication to spiritual growth. Recently, they've been particularly focused on teaching "stillness", perhaps in anticipation of the 7 Days of Rest.
This year, Hope will offer daily channeling sessions around the theme of the Essence of Stillness.
Shelley's Story: In mid 2018, as we began preparing for the 2nd annual event –7 Days of Rest 2019 –Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Climate, Biodiversity and the Web of Life appeared in meditations with the understanding that these were communicating, individually as well as collectively, as the "Foundations of Life". It became clear that for the next spiral of the healing journey the theme would be 7 Days of Rest & Reflection, where we were to offer a sacred reflection space in which we could commune with and cultivate right relationship with these 7 Foundations of Life.
For months ahead of the event, these foundations appeared in daily meditations revealing layers of wisdom. Each day of the 2019 event was dedicated to one of these foundations. Since then, they have been an integral part of the work of Yan Golding and myself and we are constantly in communication as they guide our way forward. They have continued to inform all of the subsequent events, as well as the evolution of Eco-Governance. You can learn more about the Foundations of Life on the Gateways page and on the Eco-Governance Website.
The Northern Lights are more than just their mesmerizing beauty, they are conscious beings. Wisdom Keepers of Universal Knowledge almost forgotten: How to work with Universal particles to unlock our full potential, our full DNA. Knowledge very relevant for this time.
A few years ago, Marieke Anna, a Shamanic Animal Communicator, was asked by the Northern Lights to come and live under them and write a book with them, channeling their teachings regarding this subject. Winter 2021 Marieke Anna moved from the Netherlands to Arctic Norway to do so and has been speaking with them ever since, with the book now nearly finished.
During the ‘7 Days of Rest’ event Marieke Anna will publicly share for the first time some of the Northern Lights teachings. In the shape of daily channelings and shamanic Journeys from the Northern Lights for you.
In 1996, a group of elderly women who call themselves ‘The Great Council of the Grandmothers’ appeared to Sharon McErlane as she was walking her dog. These wise women—who represent all cultures and races of humanity—revealed to her their mission: “Earth has suffered too long from an excess of yang and insufficient yin. We have come to correct this.” According to Sharon McErlane, the Grandmothers work with the Net of Light, what scientists call the Cosmic Web which cradles everything--including us—in its comforting embrace, reminding us that we are not insignificant, separate entities, but are an intrinsic part of the fabric of life that supports our planet. She has since written four books and initiated a global community of over 200 groups of the Net of Light Earthly Council of Grandmothers who meet around the world to spread their message and teach people how to work with the Net of Light.
Hopi prophecy states, "When the wisdom of the Grandmothers is heard, the world will heal," and at last the Grandmothers have come. "The Net of Light," the Grandmothers say, "supports everything in the Universe and will hold the earth steady during the times of change that are upon you now. Work with the radiant Net," they urge, "to support life." The group working with the Grandmothers and the Net of Light gladly spread their message and charge no money for this work.
Grandmother Anita Albright, a Durango light worker will offer daily events providing a living experience of the Net of Light.
May all the beings in all the worlds be happy.
Samastha Loka Sukhino Bhavantu (Sanskrit)
Shared by Keith Thompson,
Humans and Faerie have shared this planet for tens of thousands of years. Their world is at a slight tangent to ours, but it is a commonly shared world. At different times in those tens of thousands of years we shared much deeper relationships than we do now. This is the same for the consciousness that are Crystals, Trees, Water, Earth, Fire, Air and so many others we call the Mystical Others.
Now in this time of momentous change in our world, a change that is felt by all levels and types of consciousness, there is a need to re-awaken and renew our relationships with the Mystical Others. The Mystical Other is a doorway of sorts. It is a doorway to other worlds of which the Faerie Realm is one. This is not an old world made new, but a world that is truly new. A world that has never been in existence before. It is a world that can only be created by the combined dreams of awakened humans and those beings in the Mystical Other, who share this sacred purpose. This journey is a sacred journey of co-creation.
The first step on the path to re-awakening and renewing is to recognise and honor the Mystical Other. This is the work of our group. Through meditation, guided visualization, ritual, and ceremony we work to bring together Humans and Faerie to envision a new world. A world where we co-create a shared existence for all the Mystical Other and for all consciousness that are in the domain of our earth. We and our Faerie companions are part of a vast network of metaphysicians working together quietly to help our shared home, Earth, birth Herself new.
The offerings for these 7 Days of Rest & Return to Essence are designed as an introduction to the worlds of the Mystical Other. Gently listen to what Faerie and awakened has to say to you about the focus of the day. Allow it to be a magical moment that will continue to unfold in your life in the weeks, months and years ahead.
Keith Thompson has worked with his dear friend Timoreia for thousands of years over a myriad of lifetimes. In this life he has walked with her and her kith for 25 years. Timoreia is a Sage in the world of faerie. The focus of her magic, learnings and teachings are the Elements.
Anne Matheson works with Simmieon and his family, all member of the Clan of Acrue, one of the Clan Families of their world. This Clan has a special affinity with Trees and are what we would call Tree Guardians. Over many lifetimes Anne has been with Faerie and this Clan. In those lifetimes she gained different skills and in this lifetime those memories are unfolding. Together with her Faerie Family she works closely with Trees, and the Devic beings who nurture the plant and animal consciousness. As a group they work towards greater understanding between the worlds of Human and Faerie and to co-create the future for our planet.
Heather Rose works with Ezekiel, her Faerie Friend, he came to her unexpectedly while she was relaxing in the water element. She is also a channel, so he came through while she was in an altered state. He called himself a representative of “Spirit" and wanted to help free her from her "encapsulated self" as he called it. Ezekiel is like boundless joy and enthusiasm and his energy is very playful and yet at the same time full of great wisdom. He has a wonderful way of lifting her right out of the mire and reminds her to "lighten up" and allow more playfulness, that life is also about having fun with laughter and joy and with an adventurous heart.
Samantha Jones works with Shauhhaataamaa, one of her dear Faerie friends. Shauhhaataamaa's work with plants and herbs inspires Samantha's work in that realm, her Faerie friend lavishes upon them such care and concern guiding them to their full potential. She marvels at how beautifully Shauhhaataamaa pays attention to all living and growing things especially the smallest tender shoots and how her light brings out more beauty in all that she touches. Her movement is fascinating, dance-like and elegant with the lightest of footsteps so as to not disturb the undergrowth. There is never a dull moment when she is present, music that cannot be heard most certainly fills the air. Perhaps their task together is to find the true note and tone of each others species so we can live in balance and harmony once again.
Shared by Ryan Noik and the Magician's guild community
There are crystals in our world that are majestic, luminous, ancient and magnificent . . . crystals that have lived throughout eras of humanity and which contain untold wisdom. They are more than able: they are willing and eager to guide and assist us in our growth and evolution.
The crystals that are shared by the Magician's guild community in this event have given their permission and agreed to participate in these days and throughout this New Year.
This Ancient One: Grandmother of the Light - Lemurian Lantern is a shimmering beacon shining light upon choices and decisions to be made. It adjudicates integrity and honor of power with responsibility and freedom, of strength empowered with imagination and will and of talent with wisdom and intimacy. It is also a Guardian of Transcendence with its gentle touch and tender love, its presence can be profound in times of transcendence.
You are invited to gaze upon them and open your heart and mind to connect with the wisdom and knowing they hold as you consider their provenance and savor their story. And then tell them yours. Connect with your heart and your senses, and allow the incredible magic and majesty of their presence to work on you.
During World Unity Week 2022, The Listening Field partnered with Eco-Governance to open dialogues with the Foundations of Life: Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Climate, Biodiversity and the Web of Life. Guided by the Primary Task of Eco-Governance each person asked the Foundations of Life, “How do we restore right relationship with you?” These are some of the answers.
The Listening Field is an online ceremonial space that was discovered by Danielea Castell and her Nature Elders during lockdown in June 2020. The Listening Field is open, emergent, responsive and evolving. It is a safe, sacred space where groups of Humans and Nature Elders can meet communicate and coCreate in service to the healing and regeneration of Mother Earth and all her inhabitants. Listening Fields can be opened for individuals and organizations who wish to connect with Nature Elders for consultation, networking, healing, action research and coCreative innovation.
"During the Pause in the 2020, I was told that it was time to begin partnering with Humans in the same way that I had been partnering with Water, Rock and Trees for the past 12 years. A group name was given to me to describe these beloved Nature relatives who had taught me how to love and helped me find my life purpose - Nature Elders. I am glad to hear this title being used by other people as it carries the respect and love that these wise ones so richly deserve."
Danielea Castell, host of The Listening Field
Over the past 2.5 years The Listening Field has partnered with The World Water Law through the I AM A WATER BODY ecoLabs (2021) and more recently with Eco-Governance during the 99 Days of Peace Through Unity 2022 (2022). Consultations were conducted in the Listening Field with the 7 Foundations of Life and the 7 Core Needs guided by the first two Primary Tasks of Eco-Governance. The messages that were received from the Nature Elders are being shared publicly through visual memes and video clips curated by Danielea Castell, and unpacked for social research and transformative action.
The Listening Field is honoured to partner with the 7 Days of Rest and Return to Essence to provide daily opportunities for people to experience live communion with Nature Elders and deepen their embodiment of the 7 essences of the daily themes.
Invitations to engage with the wisdom memes.
1. As you read these messages, notice what happens for you? What comes alive in you? How does the message inspire your imagination? How does it expand your field of possibility? We welcome you to share your experience on the 7 Days of Rest Circle in the Eco-Governance Community.
2. After you have read these messages, ask the Foundations of Life the same question, "How do we restore right relationship with you? Sense into and record what the answers are for you. We welcome you to share your experience on the 7 Days of Rest Circle.