
7 Days of Rest, January 1–7, is a free, co-creative annual global event dedicated to the healing and replenishment of the planet and all its inhabitants. All are invited to participate in co-creating a global healing field and enjoy the rich array of offerings, including wisdom teachings, ceremonies, meditations, music, inspirations and more, that are generously offered by the global community.
The 7 Days of Rest event is inspired by the recognition of the extraordinary healing and restorative power of Rest. Learning and returning to Nature's ways of rest is seen as one of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves, our communities, Mother Earth, and the entire community of Life.


the invitation
From January 1 - 7, all are invited to join in co-creating a global field of care , coherence and healing as we gentle ourselves into the loving embrace of Rest.
As we attune together to the frequency of Rest, we support a collective release of that which is not in service of Life. In re-turning to rest, we enable a profound re-calibration with nature's primordial rhythms and regenerative intelligence.
Slowing down, we nourish a deepening connection with ourselves, each other and all of Life, and seed the New Year with a profound gift of healing and regeneration. ​

Please Note: All Times are in UTC so please also check if an event is the same day in your timezone.
You can access recordings of the offerings through the links to the days in the menu at the top of the page.

7 Days of Rest is about creating a field of rest, stillness and reflection. We cultivate this field as individuals
and as communities of all scales.
The “Rest” that is invited also includes a variety of activities that can be integrated into time at work, at school, or at home with family and friends. Our primary objective is to create a sacred collective space and time away from the busyness as usual for us to reflect together, as a species, how we can realign with our hearts, with each other, and with the intrinsic intelligence and order of nature.
Enjoying the Offerings

​​As a free and co-creative event, all participants are invited to join and/or share offerings. The offerings that are shared for 7 Days of Rest 2025 will be displayed in the Event Gallery on the Homepage from December 15th onward.
Over the last years, wisdom keepers, healers, creatives and community leaders from around the world have generously shared a rich array of offerings. These can be accessed through browsing the Offerings and Gateways from PREVIOUS YEARS.
Some online events will be recorded and uploaded onto the website to make the recordings available for you in your own time.
You are invited to create your own unique experience for the 7 Days, choosing that which feels most vitalizing and accurate for you.
If you would like to offer an event to the community, please do so through the button below.
We wish you a deeply nourishing and replenishing 7 Days of Rest!

Suggestions for Personal Practice​
As we build together the field of personal and collective rest and healing, you may wish to consider incorporating some or all of these practices into your 7 Days of Rest:
Creating silent time alone and together, reconnecting to the sounds of stillness that enable us to re-calibrate with the wisdom of our bodies and nature.
Minimizing all work, consumerism, media and social media activity – (if possible, a full consumerism, television and social media fast). This ideally means connecting to the virtual world only for the purposes of joining focused global meditations or programs relating to human and planetary rest, healing and replenishment.
Clearing the body from toxins, eating fresh and organic plant-based food as much as possible. Different dietary suggestions will be offered on the website for optimal detox and nourishment.
Practicing breath, yoga, sound and movement practices that support the body’s rest, healing and replenishment.
Meditation, prayer, intention setting, and practices that cultivate deep listening, present moment awareness, intuition and spontaneous visions.
Practicing loving communication with yourself, with others and with your surrounding environment.
Creating rituals dedicated to the healing, nurturing and replenishment of oneself, the planet and the entire Web of Life.
Communing with and honoring Nature, animals, the plants and the elements.
Journaling insights, dreams and intentions.
Connecting consciously to the 7 Day global prayer and meditation field either online or offline.
Envisioning a healed world.
Offering gratitude for all that is healthy and nourishing in your own life and in the world.

honoring rest: an interview by hope fitzgerald with uma dinsmore-tuli and shelley ostroff
yoga nidra session offered by uma dinsmore-tuli from heaven's wood waterfall in stroud, uk

amplifying the global field of healing

To enable more people to access the event offerings – and to amplify the field of rest and re-calibration – all participants and co-creators are invited to share the invitation with your networks. You can share the video and the poster with the event description, in newsletters and on diverse social media platforms.

7 Days of Rest, January 1–7, is an annual, free co-creative event dedicated to the healing and replenishment of the planet and all its inhabitants. All are invited to enjoy the rich array of offerings, including wisdom teachings, meditations, music, inspirations and more, that are generously offered by the global community.
Together we Honor, Celebrate and Cultivate Rest as an Essential Foundation
for the Healing and Thriving of Earth, Humanity and All of Life.
To learn more and join this event, please visit: www.7days-of-rest.org

previous years
You are welcome to explore the diverse array of offerings and inspirations from all the previous years
The seventh 7 Days of Rest & Reweaving Wholeness was dedicated to exploring primordial portals of remembrance. Together we rewove our unique threads of light in integrity and harmony with the fabric of the living Universe.

The sixth 7 Days of Rest & Return to Essence was dedicated to attuning to the Nature of Essence and the Essence of Nature. As we follow the path of essence, we remember our original encoding and restore our experience of kinship and communion with all of Creation.

The fifth 7 Days of Rest & Sacred Renewal was dedicated to honoring this time as a sacred gateway for our individual and collective rebirth. With clear commitment to living the truth of who we are, we re-imagined how we can take up our individual and collective roles as loving stewards of Creation.

The third 7 Days of Rest & Radiant Diversity was dedicated to exploring and remembering the essential nature of Life-enhancing diversity. Together we cultivated our capacity to engage with ourselves, each other, and the world around us with greater empathy and wisdom, and learned about the vitalizing nature of our similarities, differences, and complementarities.

The fourth 7 Days of Rest & Radical Healing was dedicated to restoring sacred relationship with Water as an essential foundation for personal, collective and planetary healing. The event introduced World Water Year 2021 as a global-to-local, citizen-led initiative for activating a worldwide whole-system healing process that will exponentially benefit all of Life.

During the second 7 Days of Rest & Reflection, we reconnected with the Foundations of Life – Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Climate, Biodiversity and the Web of Life – in new ways so that we could learn to honor and protect these foundations within us and beyond us as an essential part of our collective healing.

During the first 7 Days of Rest we co-created a field of re-calibrating with the essential vibration of Rest from which the old can be shed, disease can begin to heal, and new healthy Life and Consciousness can be birthed.

inspiration from the community
Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee
Sufi Teacher
"7 Days of Rest is an opportunity to turn inward, to rest and replenish. But most important, it can be a time to return, to reconnect, to allow this deepest communion of our soul and the soul of the Earth. Only from this place of reconnection can we hold the light that is there and begin the essential work of healing and redeeming our abused Earth."
Clare Dubois
Founder of TreeSisters
"The 7 Days of Rest being the first 7 days of 2020, a whole new decade that is offering us a moment of reflection, but also of intention. This is an opportunity to step in to sacred relationship with the essence of creation. It’s a beautiful invitation, every day having its own vibrational frequency and invitation, each one of those a doorway through which you get to explore yourself and your relationship with all that is."
Cynthia Jurs
Founder of Earth Treasure Vase Healing Project
“Let’s take these 7 Days [of Rest] to recover ourselves … Creating a sacred space or a time out where we can return to something that is relaxed, open and quiet, and feel that sense of connection to something so much larger than ourselves. This is where a new story can be born, this is where we can contact deeply what we care about the most, and then offer that to our loved ones, to our communities, to the Earth, to all beings”
Sharon Rosen
Global Director for Religious Engagement, Search for Common Ground
How wonderful to be called to intentionally dedicate time to honor, appreciate and care for the dazzling diversity we are so fortunate to be a part of on this planet. Over a period of 7 days we are invited to take time out from our busy lives and simply be; be quiet, rest and listen to the still small voice within ourselves and without, calling us to open our eyes and see what we can do individually and collectively for our planet. Astronaut Michael Collins who piloted the momentous Apollo 11 to the moon 50 years ago, speaks of how ‘fragile’ the earth looks from afar. We recognize this fragility today more than ever before. So, let us take this gift of 7 days to consider how we can contribute towards a more flourishing world for all its diverse inhabitants and for the web of life as a whole. And then let us act on it.
Jate Kulchavita
Comunidad Mhuysqa de Ráquira
[7 Days of Rest] seems very important to us because in truth, humanity that lives in this time has forgotten its own path … It is important now to give time and place to an action, a culture of the human being that allows him to fully realize himself as a human being so that he may return to the path of remembering who he is. [To] look inside, walk inside, to live in fullness, to live in inner peace, to live in happiness. We must restore a permanent culture of the spirit. The inner way."
Sadhvi Bhagawatjj Saraswatiji
Parmarth Niketan Ashram
"During these beautiful and auspicious days at the beginning of the new year, as we relook at ourselves, and our lives, and our decisions, and our choices, it is crucial for us to also look at how we interact with Mother Earth ... Let us pledge to be part of the solution, to be the change we need to see in the world. That possibility is ours."
Ming Shan (Bright Mountain)
Director of E-Mei Mt. Enlightenment Institute
"In this journey of 7 Days of Rest … we will reflect on each other and the radiance of life. In this process we feel the warmth of each other, and we will find the home of happiness that existed a long time ago. Every heart will be blooming with laughter."​
Dr. Sailesh Rao
Founder of Climate Healers
"Just as I begin each day with an hour of meditation, I begin each year with a week of rest and reflection. Resolving to grow more into my true compassionate self … I truly believe that act will make me much more effective during the year … The start of a new year is the perfect time to reflect on the limits we place on our compassion and to widen our circle of compassion to include all lives."​
Dr. Julie Krull
Founder GOOD of the WHOLE
Join us in community to honor the 7 Days of Rest ... All healing begins with rest, it’s the first step. A time for us to slow down and allow the designing intelligence; that animating life force to do its work. The wisdom, the guidance, the energy that it takes; all of that emerges from that place of rest. The sacred space for healing. This is our invitation to begin with the rest, allowing ourselves to really muse in the wisdom of our radiant diversity”
Founder of Sacred Female Rising Institute
"7 Days of Rest, this global movement, is asking us to rest, and to nourish ourselves and our Earth. So please join me. Let us put our feet on this Earth this day, let us breathe the air, let us feel ever more deeply into this resonance, which is nature. We are nature."
Nejoud Al-Yagout
Founder of Co-Exist Kuwait
"The language of the soul is stillness and silence, and the language of the ego is noise and chaos. 7 Days of Rest is a time for us to realign ourselves with our essence. To get in touch with the divine, to spend moments in stillness, to recall the space, the unifying thread in us … to raise our frequency collectively. This is what we came here to do; to love. Sometimes we need rest in order to create a new reality