the 7 core needs
returning to essence with the ​​​​​​​7 core needs
The second primary task of Eco-Governance is to ensure the Core Needs of all humans and animals are met. The task offers a unifying, practical, simple set of principles rooted in a Return to Essence that orients our collective resources towards that which is essential and nourishing to all.
The shared focus on ensuring the core needs of all are met has the potential to catalyze rapid and radical whole-system healing in all spheres of Life. The solutions already exist, and this simple compass offers a roadmap for communities to self-organize and collaborate – locally and globally to bring the solutions to scale for the thriving of all Life.
A thriving world is one that is fundamentally free from all forms of oppression and domination.
It is a world in which all humans and animals have their core needs met without privilege or prejudice,
so each can manifest their unique potential—in mutual enrichment with their communities and ecosystems. This is the way of Nature. Such a world is possible when we realign human behavior with Nature's wisdom and make our collective healing our unified and unifying priority. For this to manifest, we need to have
a clear globally shared vision and roadmap that catalyzes coherent action around what is most essential
for the radical social and ecological healing that is urgently needed at this time.
The second primary task of Eco-Governance is to ensure the Core Needs of all humans and animals are met through guaranteed access to:
Living Soil
Healthy Water
Vitalizing Food
Fresh Clean Air
Physical and Emotional Safety
Comfortable Shelter
The conditions needed for all to manifest their unique Life-enriching potential
Whole-System Benefits of Focusing on the 7 Core Needs
When we unite and organize to ensure the core needs of all humans and animals are met:
we focus our collective intelligence, creativity and resources towards that which is essential and nourishing to all Life.
we discover and amplify solutions that simultaneously address most of our current crises.
we galvanize a diverse and aligned global community that transcends cultural and ideological differences, and is rooted in worldwide solidarity and cooperation.
we become more conscious of our inherent interconnectedness and interdependence with each other and with all of Life.
we cultivate a lived sense of belonging, mutual care and accountability that takes into account the good of the whole in all our decisions and actions.
#7CoreNeeds ~ Uniting and Organizing as One for the Benefit of All
#7CoreNeeds is an emerging global initiative that aspires to help catalyze and support global conversations and actions around ensuring the 7 Core Needs of all humans and animals are met. It offers a unifying vision and practical pathway for people of all cultures and ideologies to rise above our differences and organize effectively, as One Humanity, for rapid social and ecological healing.
#7CoreNeeds invites collaboration with aligned individuals and groups around two primary areas
of focus:
1. Raising awareness about the essential whole-system healing benefits of focusing our collective attention, resources and global policy on meeting these universal needs.
​2. Mapping, gathering and showcasing the solutions, best practices, information and resources from around the world. Particular focus will be given to "whole-system solutions" such as Localization, Bioregionalism, Ecovillages, Ecosystem Restoration Camps, Transitions Towns, Food Sovereignty, Agroecology, Permaculture, Water-Retention Landscapes, Trauma Healing, etc. The intention is to also showcase inspiring stories and living examples of how communities are meeting their core needs in regenerative ways, as well as opportunities for individuals and communities to learn and get involved.
Click HERE to learn how you and your organization can participate.
There will come a day when people of all races, colors, and creeds will put aside their differences.
They will come together in love, joining hands in unification, to heal the Earth and all her children.
— From The Navajo-Hopi Prophecy of the Whirling Rainbow
Global Launch of #7CoreNeeds during Peace Week 2022
Peace Week 2022 adopted the 7 Core Needs as themes for each day, September 17–23. The global event also helped to launch the emerging initiative of #7CoreNeeds as "a compelling and unifying organizing principle for rapid social and ecological healing." Each day there were diverse events connected to the 7 Core Needs.
Daily Peace Week Events in support of #7CoreNeeds
Daily Plenary ~ Inspiring plenaries, bringing together acclaimed experts and wisdom keepers who are leading whole-system solutions for addressing the 7 Core Needs.
The Core Need for LIVING SOIL with Vandana Shiva, John D. Liu and Ernst Götsch
The Core Need for VITALIZING FOOD with Elisabet Sahtouris, Helena Norberg-Hodge, Ati Quigua & Will Tuttle
The Core Need for PHYSICAL & EMOTIONAL SAFETY with Patricia Anne Davis, Susan Eirich, Laura Caldéron de la Barca & Sarah Grace
The Core Need for HEALTHY WATER with Anne Poelina, Bernd Müller & Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswatiji.
The Core Need for FRESH CLEAN AIR with Anita Sanchez, Zach Bush, Atossa Soltani & Danielea Castell
The Core Need for COMFORTABLE SHELTER with Shelley Ostroff, Ousmane Aly Pamé, Kelly Hart & Mark Lakeman
The Core Need for MANIFESTING OUR POTENTIAL with Linda Tucker, Laura Rose & Aviram Rozin
Daily Fireside Chat with Dot Maver and Shelley Ostroff
Initiator and architect of Eco-Governance, Dr. Shelley Ostroff and seasoned peacebuilder and co-founder of Global Silent Minute, Dot Maver, will be discussing the radical whole-system healing benefits of focusing our collective attention, resources and global policy on the 7 Core Needs, as well as practical steps for individuals and communities to self-organize for unified action.
The Core Need for
The Core Need for
The Core Need for
The Core Need for
The Core Need for
The Core Need for
The Core Need for
Get Involved
To learn more about #7CoreNeeds you are invited to join the Eco-Governance Community platform, where we are beginning to organize towards to two primary areas of focus outlined above.
By uniting in action around the 7 Core Needs, we will discover our diverse and complementary roles in ensuring a thriving world for all of Life in the shortest possible time.